Performance Coaching


We believe that every runner should perform a runners assessment to help create an individualized plan to help them reach their goals. The runners’ assessment combines an orthopedic assessment, running specific testing and a running gait analysis to determine your individual strengths and weaknesses.


  • Medical history review

  • Musculoskeletal examination

  • Running specific testing

  • Treadmill gait analysis

  • Shoe assessment

  • Customized drills to address deficits and improve running efficiency


Our training plan is customized to meet your personal goals, offering both run coaching and strength training programs

A plan involves an initial consultation including:

  • One-hour introductory meeting to discuss running history, goals, and plan of action 

  • Movement assessment

  • Treadmill gait analysis

“We are passionate about pushing our clients and providing them with the support they need to reach the finish line