Run Club Waiver
I do hereby consent to participate in today’s run or any further runs sponsored by the Magic City Athletics Run Club (“Run Club”), a program of Magic City Athletics, LLC (“Magic City Athletics”). I understand and agree that this Run Club Waiver and Release (this “Release”) is controlling for all purposes when I participate in Run Club activities.
By signing below, I acknowledge and agree that running and participation in sports activities involve risks of bodily injury, property damage, and other dangers associated with participation in such activities. Dangers include but are not limited to: strains, cuts, muscle pulls, bruises, fractures, broken bones, concussions, and heat stroke, heart attacks, and death. I have been advised to consult my physician prior to using any exercise equipment or participating in any exercise activity. I agree that I am participating in Run Club entirely at my own risk and at my sole discretion. In consideration for the opportunity to participate in Run Club, I, on behalf of myself, my agents, spouse, family members, heirs, and next of kin, hereby agree to release, indemnify, and hold harmless Aire and any of its directors, owners, members, managers, officers, employees, agents, volunteers, successors, and assigns (the “Magic City Athletics Indemnified Parties”) for any injury, illness, death, or loss of or damage to personal property incurred by me.
I understand that participation in today's run and any other and further activities of Run Club is strictly voluntary. I agree to abide by any decision of the Run Club organizers relative to my ability to safely complete any activities of Run Club, including a run. I also agree to run in the safest manner as possible, including but not limited to obeying all traffic laws as they pertain to pedestrians and runners. I assume all risks associated with participating in Run Club activities including but not limited to: falls, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather, traffic, and road conditions. All such conditions being known and appreciated by me.
I understand and agree that I am solely responsible for any injuries that I may suffer while participating in Run Club activities. I recognize that Run Club activities have a certain degree of risk, and I knowingly and voluntarily assume the risk of any injuries, regardless of severity, including death, and all risk of damage to or loss of property that I may incur, even if arising from the negligence of any of the Magic City Athletics Indemnified Parties. I also understand that while Aire does not discourage participants from using personal listening devices, it cannot be held responsible for any injuries incurred from such activity.
In addition, I understand that Magic City Athletics does not provide medical insurance coverage and that I, as a participant in Run Club, must provide personal medical insurance. In the case of injury or medical emergency and in the event that I or my spouse, parent, or guardian, cannot respond at the time of the emergency, Aire has permission to seek, administer, or have administered whatever first aid or emergency medical care deemed necessary for my welfare. I understand and agree that I, and not Aire or any of the Aire Indemnified Parties, shall be solely responsible for any and all charges for such healthcare services, regardless of whether my medical insurance would cover such charges.
I understand that Magic City Athletics may cancel or terminate any Run Club activities in its discretion.
If any portion of this Release is deemed by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, then the remainder of this release from liability shall remain in full force and effect and the offending provision or provisions severed here from. This Release may not be waived or modified orally.
By signing this release, I acknowledge that I understand its content and agree to be bound by its terms.
I agree to the above conditions as a prerequisite to participating in the running activities of the Run Club.